Inquisitor – Chapter 3

3 Chapter Ads - InquisitorThe moist atmospheric aftermath remains in the sky. It is lightly there having held sizzling sounds followed by an ice rain. It declares the high heating of the atmosphere before the drenching cooling to dispense the edged wrath in the needling of a celestial hurricane. This comes from her supposed siblings ripping vengeance into shreds. The wild, highly concentrated hurricane hurriedly had fallen into an average rain-filled wind storm. Then, like a blanket, it ushers out over the low horizon to proclaim silence within the Titania skyline.

That knowing, that feeling of it sends infuriation into Augusta. Fists clenched as the body tenses with righteous anger in wanting defiance. Primal growling, unchained screams ascend. This a truthfulness of the built-up of regulated persistent torture thrust into her life. Torturing that is premeditated across centuries with no justifiable reason to do so.

“ You fucked up, God! You creeper, you monstrosity of the abominable proclaims unworthiness of me. You demand to toy with me. I had no choice in any of this. I who has a target upon my breaths. All because of being recreated as I am! ” It all hits full soul centre with seething rage.

“ Bastard, bastards!” Stormily ascends to darkly lay in the room. It has Tierra observing it while understanding how it feels. The games between Neo Primes and Astro were horrific in the first millennia of existence. She has been a target more so than Iggy and Aquaes. And that leaves a deathly solitude as both Aquaes and Ignis enter the sitting room.

Strolling over to lounge on a sofa Ignis thoughtfully announces, ” I see, and we thought he learned his lesson.”

“ Apparently, not…he is brooding and planning it seems,” Adds Aquaes while saddling beside Timis to steal a Nutter cookie from the large paper bag.

“ Yes, but it is not easy to uncover that. He has been extremely active with purging and purifying select sections of species and worlds. Abundantly busy. Too much so for him to plan games on this scale. ” Convey Tierra to worriedly look in Augusta’s eyes.

Looking, searching, loving within gazing into eyes that are slowly dispersing a fiery storm of revengefulness. A sympathetic pat on the hand, an affection-filled embrace to have Augusta melt into the love given.

“ My love, sending back the hate only allows him pleasure. You will bring him to heel. We each have. And, you can too. You will because you are you. And, part of that is Mortal, Mortal…’ She takes a breath of hope, “ And, he underestimates Mortals. Trust in that. ” Arrives as wisdom from Tierra.

“ The turd does. Yes, he does. But, we should have given him an ass whopping today. “ Proclaimed Ignis, rising to walk to the wall-embedded food dispenser unit.

“ Yes, but as I said, said as we arrived, it is what he wants. So no, no, we do not. We are here to support our sister with guarding against destructive things.” Firmly inserts Aquaes while watching Ignis with a hoping.

“ Tea, brother? ” Queries Iggy, who sees a nod reply of ‘yes’ from Aquaes. Turning to the food dispenser, Iggy requests, “ Five glass cups with handles, a saucer for each, the liquid is Rooibos Mint tea. Cool slightly. Cream and honey too.”

Moments pass with everyone present finding a chair to relax upon. The mood feels easier, and softer as they view the arrival of the tea.

“ This will help us each to relax. Roobis tea is calming, and so is Terran Mint. Two cups each, and a meal to enjoy,” He glances expectantly toward Timis before continuing, “That is, if Timis will consent. Afterward, Tierra and Aquaes will be taking you to the East coast of Oceanus. Living in those waters abides something you should meet.”

“ Yes, she should. Yes, a meal is good. This family moment is important, we need each other today.” Affirms Timis with setting down the cookies before going to the food dispenser.

” Important,” as Timis says ” it seems to hold a power to ease the negative emotions.”

The truth that these four entities always prove that they are her family gives confidence in what they have shared. Family, backup, and them always telling the truth. Those things cause a simmering. Augusta feels supported, even though, two of them ended the display of wrath. And that remains unsettled. But they feast on Terran foods, tea, royal Fae sweets and laughter. Then sunset arrives with the demand of the hour of sleeping

She wakes in Timis`s bed. He asserts that she remains a guest for a week or two due to needing assistance in the Library Of Ages. It can be said that the four others worry about Augusta doing something dangerous again. However, it’s not factual for the spark of the notion holds a different reason.

He wants casual constant conversations between them. Chats are to exist between all five of the family. Thus, there comes the daily inviting of the three others to evening meals at the Time Tower.

Family, homeyness, and understanding in sincere love are a must. Plus, familial closeness and support provide opportunities for topics to slip from one to another. The sharing may unearth information that Timis cannot share otherwise. However, Augusta might find a few things to help with current circumstances about Astro. That is the hope behind inviting the other three Prime NeoImmortals. They each may nudge a few of those forbidden things into the open.

Along with that, Timis wants Augusta to ask him permission for one specific thing. Something, a specific something that Astro also asked him for. That occurs during an evening in the middle of the second week. Dinner has been enjoyed with tea served while stargazing via the telescope on the upper level of the Time Tower.

Tierra begins a chat by questioning if there is awareness of all the facts. That spurs the retelling and sorting of info about Astro gathering the astrological gemstone.

” Astro asked you for that? ” Queries Ignis when Timis tells about a conversation with Astro a few years after the rebirthing. ” That makes no sense for him to do that. Long before the rebirthing, you gave us Primes permission to use all travel portals. We may use all portals as we wish. ”

” As you each know, that is true. You each were standing beside me. And yes, it seemed odd at that moment. It left the impression of making plans and wanting it known.” Replies Timis while adding common knowledge, ” And, that too is odd for everyone does understand that I am Time.”

” Oh, so…uhm, yes, he began playing this game back then.” Summarizes Aquaes with sympathetically gazing toward Augusta.

” You will put the brute in his place. ” Firmly claims Tierra while pointing to one of the star pictures within the clear night sky. ” Quill, the constellation erected by the Creator. ”

The five of them observe the collection of the bright lights embedded in the celestial. They do until Timis walks over to close the dome to end the stargazing, ” A quill that whispers, indeed.”

For long moments silence abides before Aquaes comments, ” Astro seems to want us aware that he has open access to somewhere. But where, where would be that important in this game that he now plays? ”

Everyone is busy ending the evening by tidying up. However, everyone hears Aquaes’s statement. Each Prime turns to look toward him. All of them do, all but Augusta.

Augusta instantly understands. Paleness owns her in realizing the destination. It brings more silence with everyone gazing toward her. They know that Augusta believes in action being louder than all other things. They saw proof of that a little over a week ago.

The silence remains for many minutes more. Timi’s eyes stare in a begging. Eyes possessing a pleading of hope for her to ask it. She must ask him. He needs her to ask. If she does, then he owns no betrayal of Time’s secrets. He holds those, but she will have the answer to the next steps.

” Earth, ” solidly declares Augusta while serenely smiling. ” And may I have free, open and unlimited access to it? To every aspect that my former self did not exist in? ”

” Yes! ” Excitedly roars Timis in being relieved.

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