Norwa Vampiric Prison

Norwa Palace Image 2

Norwa Vampiric Prison:

An enormous multi-level underground prison with a massively intense energy-draining barrier. Its walls are impenetrable due to thickness and the underground water wall and a firewall surrounding it. It houses high-level political and war criminals that belong to all the vampiric species of Nero Nie. It abides on the Northern outskirts of Norwa city. It is located directly opposite Norwa Palace, the palace is located in the southern outskirts of Norwa city.

There is a secret unmarked entrance to Level 7 that is accessible via an underground tunnel system. Only accessible by a selection of the highest level of government employees and the Empress/Queen.

-1 above-ground building, ground level, elevator.

-6 levels of prison cells, plus one scientific level.

-All levels are built one beneath another.

-All levels are only accessible by one elevator.

-Underground levels 1-6 Level are prisoners.

-Underground level 7 is a laboratory.



1 Above ground buildingAbove Ground Building/Level:

-Ground level houses one elevator.

-Open space of Militia quarters for 20.

– A vast security system and weapons array.



1 Underground Levels 1-6 - PrisonEach of the 6 Underground Levels:

600 prisoner cells.

6 guard stations on each level.

20 activity rooms.

10 storage rooms.

5 kitchens.

5 laundry rooms.

One access elevator.



Prison Lab 1Underground Level 7: 

It is a laboratory. It is a scientific level that experiments on inmates. It is also publically known as a prison torture chamber. It houses extreme political criminals, war criminals and other entities of interest. The only way in/out is via the elevator.

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