Inquisitor – Chapter 1

1 Chapter Ads - InquisitorWithin watching . . .

 ” I am supreme universe energy. Energy is everything. I am the elements, your air. I know you are there, come my naughty minx. It is time to kneel to me.”

Straight to the usual, the usual tone of sultry command where his expectations abide. It is normal for him when they both are aware that they are alone. No others are within a decent distance. And this male Immortal abides in hoping of an impossible hope.

Him behind that massive chiselled grey stone desk.The one that he commits dirty deeds and nonconsensual upon. A large long ornate table of serpent-styled legs with black scythes attached to each of the four sides. He calls it the sacred sex deck. More like rape and murder when it is all done as he pleases it to be.

The outer courtyard, the one known as Sancta, is a supposed place of prayer. It’s walled by mirrored glass with outer pillars of living Malcom trees and trailing vines of nature’s blessed Rosen bushes. The wooden beamed roof possesses heavy hooks and loops for suspension of anything. Those litter around the periphery of an ornate dark metal candle chandelier. A light source that drips hot wax when it’s illuminated.

“ My deck awaits your nudity.” He smoothly announces while rising to walk toward the only exit entry.

Head to toe dressed in royal purple achkan sherwani and churidar with a kurta. Dapper, dignified and ready to be the grand master. It suits him, the tailor-embroidered elegant suit. Freshly cleaned up and leaning into a sexual sassy attitude as the height of him stands peering into the space of the open doorway.

Invisible she is. Oh yes, clandestine visitation to the now-known arch-nemesis. Watching, seeing him tidy up after a night of causing ripping screams of non-consent before the needed slitting of a throat. That truth slips into the mind as Augusta exists in the ghostliness of humanoid Air, her soul.

Upon arrival from Troxia, Augusta should have entered the Airus Basilica Embassy. Home sweet home when in Titan City on the planet Titania. The portal landing subsist as her front lawn. But she looked toward Logos Avenues. The eyes come to view Spiritus Basilica Embassy, Astro’s favourite abode.

And well, good girls are usually good with a selection of broken rules on random occasions. However, rebels tend to fly by the seat of their desires. While badass females are dangerously lethal at any moment.

‘Uhm, yes, badass, I am,’ teased the thoughts after noticing the star-studded Titanus reflective glass-tiled, gabled A-frame roof.

‘ Desire, ’ she thought just before the clothing fell to the ground upon changing into the elemental soul humanoid, invisible but still being all that she is.

In seconds Augusta locates herself in that doorway to watch Astro. It progresses to what he now is doing. He smirks in staring while reaching out to almost cup her facial cheek. Touching if she were visible but he has no success in that. But yes, he indeed understands she is there.

“ Have you enjoyed our game? ” Those dark eyes focus unto hers, with a playful twinkle as the tone is warm in lethal play. “ Enjoying so far… ” A second of a pause before icily warning,” ..understand that you will beg for this sex deck before I’m finished with fucking with you? ”

“ That is what you, Mortal Earthlings, call it, oh yes it is, is . . .you filthily worthless bitch.” Coolly heated, seething rage of hatred and destiny sounded within Astro’s words.

Calm smile, coldness as a rising of emotions attached her to Boreas Septentrio`s flow into crisply wanting free. Another nemesis tamed, a male Wind God finding the pleasure of submission to her dominance. Lethal coldness, cutting ruthlessness and precision power moves edged in strategy. Oh yes, she owns that energy and the power of all Air.

That idea brings a warmer grin to her lips. It comes with a sudden gasping by Astro. He instantly clasps both hands to his throat. Breathing is hard, harsher and he falls to his knees before her.

‘ Submission suits you, jackass,’ sweeps into Augusta’s thinking.

Peering down, holding whimsical smiling as playfulness comes. Oh yes, it’s game time and Augusta plans to play.

Gasping, clasping his neck as little bits of air are permitted. He reaches toward her while not being able to speak. And in that, Astro’s eyes shine in begging for life breaths. Begging as he swiftly grins rising to stand in releasing the pretence of what she seems to believe is power over him.

“ Cannot die, bitch, I am thoroughly immortal.” Maniacal soft laughter rings to descend into silence before Astro conveys, ” Prime Master, pure Prime NeoImmortal. I am purity of DNA with the Creator never allowing you to harm. ”

Augusta knows but a reminder that he can be tortured with such things is a need. If he is gonna play mind games and do shit then she will be returning it ounce for ounce. She will do it until Astro’s end game comes. But there is not a single word from Augusta with this observation.

Indeed, Astro Logic has always claimed to sense her nearness. To be in tune with Augusta when she transforms into humanoid Air, soul form. Yet, Augusta’s elemental siblings have often stated that Astro can access the universe’s energy as they each can. He is not truly the universe’s energy. So, he is not all that he claims to be. There are limits to the abilities and power that Astro may manipulate. So no, he cannot sense her presence. He can detect spirits but not those of the four Prime Elemental NeoImmortals or any entity having primordial energy.

Therefore, he thinks Augusta is there but it is more like Astro observed the blue flash from the portal. Along with that Astro possibly has an assumption that anger would bring Augusta to search him out. He has set it up that way, he did make that visit to Troxia. That incident exists to pull attention to what he was creating as the next steps in the playground games.

Hence, thoughts turn to, ‘ If you know that I am here, ’ She looks into his eyes with her eyes studying his as she realizes, ‘ Pleasure, you are pleased about me possibly being here. You want this.’ Icky feelings shift to grow in needing to be clean with her thoughts turning to, ‘ Winning, you would feel like you are winning and dealing out pain. You would be that sadistic .’ Swiftly that inflames creeping sensations to shiver through Augusta as that idea of him being pleased is sickening. ‘ No, no, no pleasure for you, not about this. No, none, you snivelling dirtbag. ’ That pushes into the understanding, ‘But you are pleased, I can tell. Tell… even though you only assume I would be here. ’

 ‘ Holy Titania!’ Screams in the mind with Augusta instantaneously vanishing to appear in the master bedroom of Airus Embassy Basilica.

“ Doing that only spurs him onward, ” Chastises Timis while surprising a nude Augusta after the teleportation and transformation into the room.

Timis leisurely sits on the bed seemingly waiting. Augusta turns toward him, he, her ancient brother-sister. Their eyes meet. No immediate response, none because Augusta knows Timis knows everything about all of it.

That truth contains emotions that ride inside. Things of highly varied feelings and notions wild within logic but lacking. Partly these emotions are Mortal ideas raging. A non-understanding that their friendship cannot provide the secret knowledge needed. The other part of Augusta, the immortal energy within, understands the lack of sharing. Timis is Time, and Time must keep universe secrets.

Timis gazes toward her with concern, a worry that things are getting too much. “ He bullies, torments. Equal to a duality of benevolence and satanic of your Earth world. ”

Patting the bed beside him, Timis beckons Augusta to sit, “ The playing of games kills Mortals, you need to remember the damage that can be. ” Embracing Augusta’s nearest hand in loving energy, “ In every sample of Immortals, in any realm, the Immortals are devil may care about the Mortals. A gentle reminder, and know he rarely cares about any Mortal. ”

Those angelic blue eyes widen in disdain of that notion. It leads to thoughts of, ‘ You dare, you dare to say ’. That is expressed in Augusta’s visage. Then the eyes glaze over in not wishing more of this chat. His saying such hurts, it does for somewhere within it, it horrifies that powerful entities do such things to Mortal for no justifiable reason.

“ Augie, you need to think clearly. Get steps ahead. Outwit Astro, own all that Ci was. ” Encourages Timis to reach out to touch his once-upon-a-time brother.

“ Ahead! ’ Augusta exclaims in frustrated annoyance to further “ Timis, holy shit, dude, it has barely been a minute of knowing. ”

Standing bedside, to look down at Timis brings barely controlled feelings swarming. Being weary of this game, it has Augusta folds her arms across her breasts. This is to force control of all that wants free. Freedom, in the form of heavy punishment for anyone involved in this game playing.

Seeing this Timis frustratedly sighs while understanding that current events have become hard.

“ Mortal you, you were familiar with Earthling belief in several astrological sets of ideas. ” Begins instruction in worriedly rambling. “ The one that Astro ignites against you includes twelve of the star maps known as constellations. The connectivity of prominent stars and planets proclaiming it creates a picture. A celestial image believed to initiate energy. Astrological energy to power spirit and actions. Stories tend to accompany . . . “

“ Timis, I am aware. ” Interrupts Augusta while showing signs of being fatigued by it all. “ This game involves Earthling astrology. Tierra talked about it ages ago. ”

“ Well, two remain, Capricorn and Cancer. ” Adds Timis before clarifying, “ The sea goat and the crab. And that reminds me of Tierra’s regeneration of a hybrid species of aquatic goat, sea goat is considered to be astrological Capricorn. “

“ Oh really? ” Query Augusta who immediately has an interest in it. “ When was that? ”

“ The year after your rebirthing, ” Says Timis while walking toward one of the windows. “ That same year, Astro asked for unlimited access to time travel portals. ”

“ Did he? ” Quiz Augusta in understanding more and more of what the game involves as she further states, “ But, I thought all Primes always have had. ”

“ Yes, it seemed strange at the time. That is because of that.. that of all Primes having open unregulated access to the portals. Rarely do I limit Primes in concern to portals. Only you require limitations due to your other lifetime. As you know a clash of the same energy coexisting creates instability. ” Relay Timis turned around to observe her looking at him.

“ Yes, but the sea goat, the recreating of those aquatics can be important. If it`s what Capricorn is based upon then we manage to find the gemstone connected to it then …he loses. ” And a smile develops, a sweet happiness as Augusta quizzes, “ What happened to those? I must know because Astro expected my return to Titania. It seems he has plans that play out between us here. So that associated gem must be on the planet somewhere. ”

Timis likes that attitude of rising to the challenge. He does because it seems that Augusta is ready for the playground that her contemporaries enjoy. Thus along with a pleased grin and a nodding, in saying, “ Sea goats live in our oceans as part of Aquaes`s realms. Most individual specimens of the hybrid species dislike colder waters. Therefore the colonies of them abide near the equators. Their population is less than a hundred thousand due to various factors. But Tierra considers it a successful repopulation effort. ”

“ Good, very good and so I will chat with Tierra and Aquaes. “ Come in summing up the process next needed. “ But first, I must remove the stench of Astro. So a long warm shower before dressing. Then… ”

 “ Then to the Time Tower for the incoming bio-gen sleep. Dawn is almost upon us. After you rest, we may talk more. But yes, get yourself cleaned and publicly presentable. We will walk the distance so that I get some exercise. I’m starting to put on extra pounds because of an excessive use of portals to go everywhere recently. ” Instruct Timis while waving her toward the bathroom belonging to the master bedroom as he nestles back upon the bed to wait.

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