Seagoat Species

seagoat speciesSeagoat Species:

A fish’s lower body, along with a goat’s upper body, head, and limbs of a goat are the front half of the body. The hind half is similar to a large fish. The front half possesses the head, legs and hooves of a goat. It also possesses gills on its neck and fish body.

Intelligence:  Mid-level cognition, survival instinct, an acute memory, and use of arcane telepathy as language.

Length:  Adult males, 11 – 12 feet.
Adult females, 9 – 10 feet.
Sea goats grow to 11 to 12 feet and have strong shoulders. Both genders possess great strength and lean physiques that show toned muscle mass.

Weight:  Adult male up to 300 lbs – 350 lbs
Adult female 260 lbs – 300 lbs

Eyes & Eye Color: Sea goats have horizontal, slit-shaped pupils. Sea goat’s irises are usually pale and have contrasting pupils. Sea goats have no tear ducts.

Ears: 2 elongated ears

Horns:  Sea goats naturally have two horns, of various shapes and sizes. Their horns are made of living bone surrounded by keratin, and other proteins, and are used for defence, dominance, and territoriality.

Beards: Both male and female sea goats may have beards and wattles with one dangling from each side of the neck.

Skull: Goat’s head.

Body: The hair varies in the colour of brown. The colours of the underparts are generally lighter. A newborn has dark spots, which fade as it reaches adulthood. Females tend to have thicker hair, softer and it grows darker in colour when pregnancy occurs.

Tail: Fish’s tale.

The tail has electroreceptors that detect electrical pulses emitted to sense other creatures.

The caudal fin is the tail fin, located at the end of the caudal peduncle. It is used for propulsion. The type of caudal fin is Heterocercal. This means the vertebrae extend into the upper lobe of the tail, often making it longer than the lower lobe.

Caudal keel just forward of the tail fin. This is a lateral ridge on the caudal peduncle, usually composed of scutes, that provides stability and support to the caudal fin. There may be a single paired keel, one on each side, or two pairs above and below.

Finlets are small fins, generally behind the dorsal and anal fins. These are rayless, non-retractable, and found between the last dorsal and/or anal fin and the caudal fin.

Limbs: ( 2 limbs )
2 goat fore-legs ( expand into goat hooves )

Swimming Speed: 54-60 miles/hour

Personality: It depends on the individual entity. But usually not trusting and demand respect.

Offspring:  On average, 1 – 3 offspring are born in each litter. Gestation is approximately 110 days in mammalian-type birthing.

Lifespan: Males live 15- 18 years
Females live 11-13 years

Data: It prefers tropical waters as a habitat.

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