
Merfolk Fae 2Merfolk:  These are aquatic halfling humanoids with a head and an upper body similar to other humanoids. The lower portion of the body is a fish-like tail instead of humanoid legs. Other distinguishing physical features are gill slits along their necks, webbed fingers, and glossy eyes.

They are halflings or half-Fae humanoid creatures.

Mermaid – female humanoid with the tail of a fish. Female gender Merfolk.

Merman – male humanoid with the tail of a fish. Male gender Merfolk.

All Merfolk are considered to be a subspecies of the Fae species, and their leader is the Fae Queen, Titania Fae Aos-Si.

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Fae Court Affiliation: Seelie & Unseelie 

Realm Type: Mortal worlds and Eire

Sub Races: N/A

Society Type: Clans, based on hierarchical age ranking. Hidden when mortal realms are involved.

Allegiance: Titania Fae Aos-Si, Prime High Council 

Lifespan: Mortal, a possible 130 years

Elemental/Magic:  Aquatic telepathy and minor/limited water elemental magic. 

Sexual Orientation: All sexual orientations

Dietary: Omnivorous. They farm and harvest aquatic plants. They hunt aquatic animals and farm some aquatic animal species as livestock.

Birthing:  Sperm/egg – sexual mating. They mate in water and have mammalian-type births.

Appearance:  Merfloks are Mortal Halfling Fae. Merfolk grow to approximately 7 feet in length and had strong shoulders. The average weight is 350lbs to 400lbs. Both genders possess great strength with lean physiques showing toned muscle mass. The coloration of their eyes, hair, skin, fins and scales varies due to DNA (Similar to Terran Mortals). 

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Fae Courts:  They are Seelie (Light/ Good/ Positive energy) and Unseelie Fae ( Dark/ Bad/ Negative energy).

Seelie: Benevolent and tolerate Mortals. They will assist Mortals that are in danger when water is involved. Their society is hidden when mortal realms are involved.

Unseelie: Dangerous to Mortals. Their material gifts bring misfortune and often cause disasters. They lure mortals to a drowning death or entice them to live underwater. Their society is hidden when mortal realms are involved.

Adulthood: Merfolk mature at a similar to Terran Mortals/Earthling Mortals. Adulthood occurs at approximately age 20 within a lifespan of 100-130 years.

Elemental/Magic: Telepathy is a natural ability. It is limited to other aquatic beings, aquatic creatures and water elementals.

Other Realms: An alternative world and hidden existence on any inhabitable planet. These realms exist hidden alongside all mortal human creatures’ worlds. It is an alternative existence on any terrestrial planet with most mortals never being permitted access to it. 

Merfolk resides in isolated settlements, coral reefs, underwater caverns, and the extreme bottom of the deepest oceans.

Samples of Other Realms:

Tír na nÓg – Terra/Earth, Solar One Solar System 

Drukne Fe – Nero Nie, Sanguis Solar System 

Caroban – Underworld, Demonos Solar System 

Dói te áin – Isiv, Titan Solar System

Ui sce – Iuqil,Titan Solar System

Do m han – Ilos, Titan Solar System

Aer – Ivni, Titan Solar System

Eire – The Universe

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